You are currently browsing the tag archive for the ‘Buddhist’ tag.

This Facebook group is dedicated to crappy wildlife photos that are so bad they are good.

Buddhist monk does his own version of The Beatles’ “Yellow Submarine.”

Here’s a rare 1949 broadcast of Kukla, Fran and Ollie.

Meet the woman who lives every day like it’s 1958.

Canvases aren’t just for paint. Here are 10 ways to transform a cheap Walmart canvas.

Princeton researches discover how loners and introverts will save society.

A look at the art of book covers published from 1820-1914.

Librarians once wore THIS as their uniform.

Golden Girls action figures are now a real thing.

Why do so many medieval manuscripts depict violent rabbits?

How did these rock and roll fans became famous?

Kenyan engineer recycles plastics into bricks stronger than concrete.

Incredible 3D drawings pop off the page and sink into the ground.

Unique tables are designed to look like animals that are half-submerged into water.

Newly discovered “nano-chameleon” is world’s smallest known reptile.

20 highly inspirational rules of life a Japanese Buddhist wrote four centuries ago that may change your life.

A new study suggests that the lower your social class, the “wiser” you are.

Cards Against Humanity buys area of the U.S. border in an effort to prevent Donald Trump from building his wall.

Beautiful color photos of Paris taken 100 years ago—at the beginning of World War I and the end of La Belle Époque.

A 15-point guide to surviving authoritarianism.

How the residents of a wealthy Bristol district have managed to ban birds from the trees.

A look at the first translation of The Odyssey made by a woman classicist.

San Francisco animal shelter hires a robot to force out homeless people.

You think your job sucks? Take a look at some real conversations from the clients from hell.

Black leaders in Memphis buy city parks and remove Confederate statues.

Inside the library that holds the world’s rarest colors.

A video showing the dark past of Sea Monkeys.

I am buried alive in a Michigan prison.

How 12 teens invented a solar-powered tent for the homeless.

The Disney version of Donald Trump is 100 percent less awful than the real thing.

When life gives you a divorce, get drunk and set your dress on fire.

10 reasons to visit the only country where North Koreans can take a permanent vacation.

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