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Dancing Skeleton
I basically had a calm Halloween season despite a few bumps. This year I decided to put up my decorations earlier in October than my usual waiting until a day or two before Halloween when I hurriedly put everything up. I thought it would give me a chance to get in the festive mood more. The only bad thing with that decision was that about a week or two ago someone came up to my doorstep and took the rubber bat that I usually have dangling over my mailbox.
Halloween 2013I won that bat an an office party that was held through one of my old jobs as a clerical worker and I’ve displayed it over my mailbox for the last few years. I looked around the area of the mailbox to make sure that the string didn’t just snap but I didn’t find the bat. I think someone just walked up to my porch and took it. Granted I didn’t have a major sentimental attachment to that rubber bat but it’s still annoying that someone would be so brazen as to walk up to my front porch and just steal it outright.

So this year I replaced the bat with the grim reaper. So far no one has swiped him.


Here is what he looked like with the porch light turned on behind him at night.


About the web that can be seen over the Grim Reaper’s shoulder, it’s a real web that was made by a spider. I don’t do the fake webs that one can find on sale in the stores this time of the year. Those fake webs don’t look realistic at all compared to a real one. The best thing about this real web was that I didn’t have to pay anything for it. 🙂


I have both the coffin and the ghost from Scream in the same places as last year.

Halloween 2013

Halloween 2013

I got this free Halloween decoration when I purchased a bag of Utz Bats & Jacks Pretzels to give out to the kids. I ultimately decided to put it over the mailbox at the very last minute before the official Trick or Treat time began.


I had some candles lit on the edge of the porch.



The biggest difference between this year and last year is that I didn’t do any pumpkins this time. I caught a cold about a week and a half before Halloween, which totally sucked. (What was weird was that I caught this cold about a day or two after those news reports about a nurse in Texas who caught the Ebola virus while caring for a Liberian man—who later died from it—who was transferred to NIH in Bethesda. I became paranoid that people would fear that my coughing and sneezing fits were Ebola-related and try to avoid me. It didn’t help that the news media were fanning hysteria about that illness. NIH has since released that nurse while declaring that she’s free of Ebola.) I was still too tired to do any kind of carving.

On top of it, my oven broke a few months ago and I’ve been trying to pool enough money so I can have someone repair it. (In the meantime I’ve been using the stovetop and the microwave oven to cook my food.) So even if I could gather seeds, I wouldn’t have an oven to roast them in until after I get it repaired.

I even managed to shoot some video between the Halloween preparations. I didn’t shoot a whole lot of footage. I’m currently working out a potential future idea. I don’t know if or when I’ll upload it because I need to find the time to view the footage I shot to see if my idea really worked. I accidentally pressed the wrong button on my smartphone camera so I ended up with a couple of stills from this video which may or may not see the light of day.



Here is what I gave out that night. The first 20 trick or treaters received packs of Halloween-themed temporary tattoos, which can be seen in the bottom row of the below photo. The rest of the trick or treaters got the Utz Halloween Pretzels bags. I managed to give away all 20 temporary tattoo sets but only a few additional people came to the door so I have a lot of Halloween Pretzel bags left over. (If I have to estimate, I think no more than 25 kids came knocking at my door.)


At one point the lingering cold was making me a little bit on the tired side so I decided to drive by the local mall to get myself a couple slices of pizza to take home so I wouldn’t have to cook. I ended up entering the mall through the back because there was a huge lines of cars trying to enter through the front parking lots. I parked in the back and entered the mall where I noticed a lot of costumed trick or treaters. I remembered that the local mall has an alternative Halloween event for kids as an alternative to trick or treating door to door. But I found this sign banning masks for participants over 13 to be a bit off-putting (even though I can understand the reason—they want to deter people shoplifting while disguising themselves with masks).


There were a lot of kids in costumes with their parents. Maybe I sound old-fashioned but I really just don’t see the appeal with trick or treating in a shopping mall. Are the merchants as generous with candy or other treats as private homes or not? I don’t know. Trick or treating in a suburban shopping mall was unheard of when I was growing up. I basically took a couple of quick photos, ordered the take-out pizza and drove home just in time for the official start of trick or treat time in my town.









Like I wrote earlier, I didn’t get a lot of trick or treaters coming by my door this year compared to previous years. So I decided to go to the annual Halloween party that’s thrown in the home of a couple of my friends. On my way to that party, I saw this over-decorated home.





So I went to the party of the same friends who have a Halloween night party every year. This year I wore the same My Little Pony Rainbow Dash hoodie as last year and I paired it with the V For Vendetta Guy Fawkes mask. It’s the same outfit that I wore at the Million Mask March in Washington, DC last November.

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Actually I ended up wearing that mask for a very short time mainly because I had forgotten how little ventilation there is in that mask. On top of it, the eyeholes are pretty small so you have to position the eyeholes in a certain way or else you won’t have very good vision. But I kept up with wearing the hoodie. I had a little bit of trepidation because of both my ongoing cold and the fact that the previous two years I encountered something less than pleasant. Two years ago I was enjoying myself at that same party in the same location until my estranged husband and the other woman both showed up about an hour and a half after I arrived and I began to feel queasy in my stomach so I left. Last year it was the same situation. I was enjoying myself for the first hour and a half after I arrived at that party until my ex-husband and his new wife both arrived. I left immediately afterwards.

This year I left after being at the party for an hour and a half but it was for a different reason. I was feeling tired from that lingering cold so I left. I didn’t encounter either my ex-husband or his second wife (who used to be one of my friends until she became the other woman), which was good for me. 🙂

The cool thing about Halloween being on a Friday this year is that the Day of the Dead immediately follows so one can parlay this into a whole weekend of fiendish fun.

So yesterday was the first day of El DĂ­a de los Muertos and I spent that morning going through some clutter in my living room. I went to this Slavic Festival that was held at a local Eastern Orthodox church. Basically there was Slavic food on sale that one can either consume now or buy in a frozen bulk so one can eat it at a later date. So I ate lunch there and a couple of my friends also happened to show up at the same time so we ate together and socialized for a while. I spent close to $25 on frozen pre-cooked Slavic food but I have enough food to last me six days if I was to eat an all Slavic diet for dinner over the next week. But I probably won’t do that. I’ll try to spread the Slavic food over the next month or so by eating it once or twice a week.

That evening I checked out a free movie that was being screened at a local community center. The film was Hotel Transylvania and it was an animated feature movie. I found that it was okay as a movie in that it wasn’t as good as some other animated movies I’ve seen in recent years (such as Frozen and Brave) but it wasn’t terrible either. I saw it for free so I’m not going to complain about it.

This morning was the start of the second day of the Day of the Dead and it was very cold because of this wind that arrived in the middle of the night and it’s still blowing as I’m writing this entry. As I opened my door this morning I saw that the paper machĂ© coffin that I previously propped up on the door that leads to where I store the garbage can had blown over on the porch with the lid and the rest of the coffin being separated. I took that as a signal to bring the coffin inside before the wind picks it up again and blow it further away.

I went to church this morning where there was a guest speaking. Her name was Beth Baker and she was doing a talk based on her book With a Little Help From Our Friends: Creating Community as We Grow Older. She had a book signing after the service. I ultimately bought a copy, which she signed, mainly because I’m currently divorced and alone and I know that I probably have to make all kinds of contingency plans just in case something happens to me.

I headed home where I upgraded my MacBook operating system from Mavericks to Yosemite. (I’m still marveling at the new desktop wallpaper featuring a giant mountain.) So far everything is working out as of this writing. It was also the end of Daylight Savings Time so I had an extra hour of sleep last night, which was really great!

After spending a few hours at home, I went back to church around 5 p.m. because it was showing a free movie featuring former Labor Secretary Robert Reich that was called Inequality For All. I’ve heard so much about this movie via Facebook and I’m glad that I had a chance to see it. Even though it’s depressing at times, it really is an excellent movie that raises awareness as to how messed up this country really is in terms of the economy. I’m not really going to write further on this because this is supposed to be an entry about Halloween and Day of the Dead, not the screwed-up economy.

I’m currently finishing out the evening by doing some software updates on both my iPodTouch and my iPad. It’s been a pretty good holiday weekend for me with going to a Halloween party, seeing two free movies, and going to a book signing at my church. It doesn’t get any better than this! 🙂

Martin Luther King Day

Last November I had some free time so I decided to go to downtown Washington, DC to check out the Million Mask March, which was one of many such marches that were held in most major cities around the world by Anonymous and its supporters. Even though I’m not a part of Anonymous, I thought the idea of seeing so many people wearing those V For Vendetta Guy Fawkes masks would be a visual spectacle.  I was definitely not disappointed because nearly everyone at the protest was wearing that mask.

The only reason why I didn’t upload the pictures I took immediately was because the hard disk on my five-year-old MacBook started to act up at the same time and I realized that the hard disk was on the verge of crashing for good. By the time I got the new MacBook, the Christmas holiday season had started. Oh well, better late than never. Besides, since today is Martin Luther King Day, it’s almost fitting to post photos from a nonviolent protest. (I’m not going to suggest that MLK would’ve given his own special seal of approval to Anonymous but he would’ve liked the pact that the group is committed to nonviolent acts of civil disobedience both online and in real life. He also would’ve been heartened by the group’s nonviolent fight for justice, such as Anonymous’ efforts to make the perpetrators in the Steubenville rape case face justice.)

Even though the protest started at the White House, it took a while for me to get to downtown DC since I was riding on the Metro. As I was boarding the Green Line train at the Greenbelt station, I was monitoring the Twitter feeds of this march on my cell phone and found that the march had started from the White House and it was on its way to the U.S. Capitol Building. So I changed my route and got off at a Metro station that’s closest to the U.S. Capitol. On my way there I took this photo of an interesting firefighters memorial with my smartphone camera.

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

I arrived at the U.S. Capitol Building at the same time as the march arrived there, which was perfect timing. I took two other photos with my smartphone, one of which was a selfie. I had recently purchased my own Guy Fawkes mask at the Spirit of Halloween store that was temporarily set up in an empty store space in Bowie. In order to complete my disguise, I decided to wear the same Rainbow Dash hoodie that I wore for Halloween a few days earlier.

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

I took one more photo with my smartphone. This was the one photo of the march at the U.S. Capitol Building that I uploaded that day on my Twitter account.

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

For all of the other pictures, I switched to my Canon Digital Rebel DSLR camera that I brought with me.

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Million Mask March, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013

Recently Anonymous has called for another Million Mask March that will take place worldwide on November 5, 2014 and it has already started to organize on Facebook. As to whether I’m going to be there taking pictures, that’s up in the air. November is a long ways away and anything can happen in my life between now and then.

I decided to check out the Occupy Monsanto protest in Washington, DC during Memorial Day weekend because I had hoped to run into a friend of mine who was also going to be at the march with his young daughter (but I was ultimately unsuccessful because there were so many people around). It was a nice warm and sunny day to be outside, as the following pictures show. In addition, members of both Occupy DC and Occupy Baltimore had been hyping this particular march (which was one of many such marches scheduled in cities all across the United States that day) on Facebook for weeks and I felt that it had the potential to be a very big deal.

Another reason why I wanted to check out the protest is because I’ve been kind of concerned about Monsanto convincing lawmakers to not require any kind of labelling on genetically modified crops (or GMOs) so that tomato or ear of corn you pick up at the grocery store may or may not be a GMO. There are all kinds of issues about the potential health risks of GMOs.

I think of labelling food products as basically a consumer rights issue. If a person doesn’t want to eat anything that even reeks of GMO, that person should have the right to be informed about whether a particular food product comes from a GMO crop. Likewise, if someone is a firm believer in eating as much GMO products as possible, labelling would help that person select only GMO products to put into his/her own body.

Ironically my late mother-in-law’s older brother worked as a Monsanto researcher until he retired sometime in the late 1970’s-early 1980’s. (My mother-in-law was the one who told me he worked at Monsanto.) I have no idea what kind of research he did. I only met that particular uncle of my ex-husband twice (one of the times was at our wedding) and he never brought up his Monsanto days when we socialized. (I tried a Google search under his name AND Monsanto but I turned up empty.) This person was the oldest of six children and he was 20 years older than my mother-in-law so he died many years before she did in 2010.

I passed by the fountain in Lafayette Square on the way to the protest.

Occupy Monsanto
Occupy Monsanto

The Occupy Monsanto protesters gathered in Lafayette Square outside the White House (which is visible in the background of the photo below).

Occupy Monsanto

Some of the Occupy Monsanto protesters checked out the long-running White House Peace Vigil against nuclear weapons.

Occupy Monsanto
Occupy Monsanto
Occupy Monsanto

White House Peace Vigil volunteer Concepcion Picciotto (wearing a blue vest on the right) spoke with some of the Occupy Monsanto protesters.

Occupy Monsanto

I saw protesters wear the Guy Fawkes V is for Vendetta masks as well as wearing costumes where they were either dressed as flowers or bees. It added to the festive atmophere of this protest.

Occupy Monsanto
Occupy Monsanto
Occupy Monsanto

After a while the protesters left Lafayette Square.

Occupy Monsanto
Occupy Monsanto
Occupy Monsanto

The march wended its way down K Street, N.W. (where many lobby firms are located). At one point it even passed McPhereson Square, the former home of the Occupy DC movement (which vacated the park last year).

Occupy Monsanto
Occupy Monsanto

The march ended outside the building at 1300 I Street, N.W. that houses Monsanto’s Washington, DC office.

Occupy Monsanto

You know you’re at Monsanto’s office when a bus depot around the corner has this giant Monsanto ad posted.

Occupy Monsanto
Occupy Monsanto

The protesters had their own parody of the Monsanto logo.

Occupy Monsanto
Occupy Monsanto

With the next few photos I attempted to provide an idea as to how large this protest was. Since the DC protest was one of many that were being held in many cities nationwide, the crowd was relatively small compared to something like the 2011 Tax Day protest against corporate greed and environmental degredation but it still drew a sizable crowd if you consider the fact that this protest was scheduled on the Saturday of the three-day Memorial Day holiday weekend.

Occupy Monsanto
Occupy Monsanto
Occupy Monsanto
Occupy Monsanto
Occupy Monsanto
Occupy Monsanto
Occupy Monsanto
Occupy Monsanto
Occupy Monsanto
Occupy Monsanto
Occupy Monsanto
Occupy Monsanto
Occupy Monsanto
Occupy Monsanto
Occupy Monsanto
Occupy Monsanto
Occupy Monsanto
Occupy Monsanto
Occupy Monsanto
Occupy Monsanto

After rallying outside Monsanto’s office for a while, the protesters announced that they were marching back to Lafayette Square, where the protest would officially end. I was kind of lazy and I opted to catch the McPherson Square Metro station instead because it was closer than if I had opted to march further to the White House then double back to the same station.

After spending a full day at Katsucon the day before, I woke up totally tired and sore. I was so fatigued that I had a hard time moving. There were times when I began to think that maybe I’m starting to get too old for anime conventions. I also remembered that for several days before Katsucon I spent long hours trying to finish the tote bag that I submitted to the Katsucon Art Show and I think all that work coupled with a physically grueling first day at the con took a physical toll on me.

So I spent the morning at home. I ended up eating the lunch I had originally intended to bring with me to Katsucon. Afterwards I decided to head out when I found mail in the mailbox. I got yet another reminder of the crumbling state of my marriage—I got a letter from my husband’s lawyer. I didn’t open it that day because I didn’t need to be bummed out before I got to Katsucon. (I opened the letter a day after the convention ended and it was basically a letter verifying that I received the divorce petition from a process server. Blech!)

I didn’t arrive at Katsucon until after 3 p.m. As I was walking from the parking garage I saw this sign from one of the many bars and restaurants that dot National Harbor.

Katsucon 2013

When I entered the front lobby of the Gaylord Hotel and Convention Center I walked past the hotel restaurant that had been temporarily converted into a Maid Cafe. I never checked that one out because the line of people waiting to get in was very long.

Katsucon 2013

The check-in desk in the hotel lobby featured someone cosplaying as a robot that gained lots of attention from other people waiting to check into their rooms.

Katsucon 2013

I saw the Asian ball-jointed doll meetup, which started at 2 p.m., was already in progress. I dropped off my tiny dolls then ran to the nearest women’s restroom because I needed to use the toilet after making the commute from my home to National Harbor. Once I emerged from the stall, I found this bottle marked "Vampire Blood" next to the sink where I washed my hands.

I managed to rejoin my dolls at the doll meetup, which was just starting to break up by the time I arrived. I still managed to get a lot of photos of gorgeous dolls (there were more of them than the previous day’s meetup). Someone also brought some homebaked gingerbread, which was very delicious. (I’m sorry I was never able to learn who baked the gingerbread because I would’ve complimented the baker.)

Katsucon 2013
Katsucon 2013
Katsucon 2013
Katsucon 2013
Katsucon 2013
Katsucon 2013
Katsucon 2013
Katsucon 2013
Katsucon 2013
Katsucon 2013
Katsucon 2013
Katsucon 2013
Katsucon 2013

After the meetup ended I walked towards the Art Show and I found no bids on my handpainted tote bag. Then I walked around both the Artists’ Alley and the Merchants’ Room where I took some more photos that I wasn’t able to take on the first day due to low battery power in my cellphone. (This time I made damned sure that my smartphone was fully charged before I arrived at Katsucon.)

The biggest guest star at Katsucon was the Japanese pop band known as The Sound Bee HD. I missed out on seeing this band perform in concert mainly because the concert started after 10 p.m. and I grew too exhausted to attend a couple of hours before the concert. The group had a table set up in the Artists’ Alley and members of the band were there to greet fans, sell copies of their CDs, and sign autographs.

Katsucon 2013

Both rooms had a variety of things available for purchase that one can’t find at a Wal-Mart or Target.

Katsucon 2013
Katsucon 2013
Katsucon 2013
Katsucon 2013

I went to an anime convention and a Twister game broke out.

Katsucon 2013

The next few photos are scenes from the World Cosplay Summit semi-finals that was held at Katsucon. I never knew that cosplay was a serious international competition like the Olympics or the Miss Universe Pageant. Basically the winners of the semi-finals went on to the finals (which will be held during another anime convention). Whoever won the finals would represent the United States at the World Cosplay Summit in Japan later this year.

Katsucon 2013
Katsucon 2013
Katsucon 2013
Katsucon 2013

There were plenty of cosplayers who didn’t take part in the World Cosplay Summit semi-finals and they could be found walking the hallways throughout Katsucon, such as these Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

Katsucon 2013
Katsucon 2013
Katsucon 2013

This person dressed up as a futuristic robot version of Hello Kitty.

Katsucon 2013
Katsucon 2013

This guy wore a plushie on his head like it’s a hat in the Merchants’ Room.

Katsucon 2013
Katsucon 2013
Katsucon 2013
Katsucon 2013
Katsucon 2013

Since Katsucon took place soon after Lunar New Year, a group of people came carrying a Chinese dragon.

Katsucon 2013

This cosplayer posed for professional photographers.

Katsucon 2013
Katsucon 2013
Katsucon 2013

Are they Anonymous? Are they cosplaying as V from "V is For Vendetta"? Or are they simply Guy Fawkes fans? In any case they were at Katsucon 2013.

Katsucon 2013
Katsucon 2013

After I walked around the convention for a while, I chilled out in one of the video rooms watching the anime series Fate/Stay Night. I first became familiar with this series when I was at Otakon last summer and I purchased this kit that’s based on one of the characters named Saber Lily. (I’ll admit that I haven’t worked any more on that kit since last September. I need to take it out again and work on it.) I downloaded the fansubbed manga version and it’s pretty entertaining. While the anime version is okay, I probably won’t be buying the DVD version because I personally preferred the manga version. The manga went into more details about the relationship between the characters while the anime version was mostly swordfights and it grew tedious after a while.

The one workshop panel I attended that day was one called "Kickstarter 101 With Obsidian & Dern." It was a fascinating view on the process of getting your work financed via I took the workshop because I had a fantasy of getting a project funded via Kickstarter but after taking that workshop I learned that you really need to have a detailed production plan in order to have it work for you.

After that panel I grew very tired again so I drove home. I began to notice that my stamina for three-day anime conventions isn’t as strong as it used to. It’s another sign of getting older, I guess. <Sigh!> I’m sure that I’ll get to the point where even attending a convention for even a half-day will tire me out but I hope that doesn’t happen for several decades. <LOL!> At least driving home was easy compared with the previous night’s frightening commute (where I had to deal with both heavy rain and crazy drivers).

We are Dollnonymous

The secretive hackivist group Dollnonymous makes its presence known.

Now through June 23 you’ll be able to see and purchase print versions of these photos at Artomatic 2012 in Crystal City, Virginia. The Occupy the Dollhouse exhibit is located on the 10th floor in room 166.

Occupy the Dollhouse: I am the 99 Percent

A doll’s political awakening at Occupy DC in McPherson Square.

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