There is no excuse for you to casually drink bottled water.

Six DIY ways to create your own Porg infestation.

In Baltimore and nationwide, art museums fight sharp declines in attendance.

What does oligarchy mean? That we’re screwed.

The 1913 Women’s March that started in Hyattsville, Maryland.

Watch 15,000 dominoes fall and prepared to be mesmerized.

How to turn online distractions into art.

Archivists race to digitize slave records before the history is lost.

How to deal with job search depression.

The kitchiest hotel in the world.

Download hundreds of Van Gogh paintings, sketches, and letters in high resolution for free.

Video game legend thrown out of the record books after his times were found to be impossible.

Isaac Asimov’s three laws of robotics, updated for the drone age.

Stop wasting your money on Instagram Influencers. They suck.

A new study shows that students learn way more effectively from print textbooks than screens.

A DC school was named after a slave owner. So students got it renamed after its first black principal.

Sea level rise is eroding home value, and owners might not even know it.

Here’s a look at Jim Henson’s sadistic and hilarious ads for Wilkins Coffee made between 1957-1961.

What happens when artists use tech to confront inequality?

The diet that might cure depression.

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