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When it comes to Deconstructing Kremlin Propaganda, I’m trying to stick with a schedule of making no more than one Substack post per week mainly because I haven’t attracted any paying subscribers yet. If I get enough paid subscribers I could have the luxury of making new posts on a daily basis while not worrying about paying the bills. (Right now I’m committed to updating that one once per week until the November 2024 elections then decide what to do next.)

Last week I ended up making two new posts while uploading a third post on Monday and a fourth post last night. So it’s four posts in less than a week.

First I did a post on An American Face-Tattooed Barber in Moscow and it’s about a YouTube channel called Russian Code that’s designed to entice Westerners to move to Russia. One of the interviewees is none other than Teddy Boy Greg. (Remember him? I sure do!) So I decided to devote this week’s post to Russian Code and Teddy Boy Greg.

A day later I received a notice asking me to participate in distributing this collectively-written letter called Substackers Against Nazis. It’s a response to this disturbing expose that was published in The Atlantic that shows that there are a number of white supremacists who are not only using Substack to publish their hate-filled posts but they have also profited from their hate. If I had known about this problem, I probably would’ve used a different platform for my Deconstructing Kremlin Propaganda because I don’t want to be associated with Nazis and white supremacists. I posted the letter on my Substack a day after I posted my previous entry.

Then over the weekend Twitter/X erupted over screenshots of this post that concerns pro-Kremlin and pro-Hamas propagandist Jackson Hinkle, another blast from my recent past. He had been dating Anna Linnikova, who was crowned Miss Russia 2022 and had unsuccessfully competed for Miss Universe 2023, and they had recently got engaged. But then Anna Linnikova started posting on Instagram about how she has dumped Hinkle and she is in the process of moving back to Russia. (The couple had been living in Miami.) I felt a bit of schadenfreude over this because Jackson Hinkle is basically an odious person. I wrote my latest Substack post, When Miss Russia Dumps the Gen Z Lord Haw-Haw, which includes those screenshots of those posts that Linnikova had made where she spilled the tea about her relationship with Hinkle and, boy, are they golden.

If all that weren’t enough, last night word came from the Colorado Supreme Court that the state can leave Donald Trump’s name off of the ballot for next year’s election due to his role in the riot that happened at the US Capitol building on January 6, 2021. So I wrote a quick post about that one.

I think I’m going to slow down on my Substack work since Christmas is coming and things tend to slow down this time of the year. I would like to devote more of my time to updating my resume and LinkedIn profile and look for some work so I can make money.

I know I’ve written before about how much of a shitshow X (the social media platform formerly known as Twitter) has become since Elon Musk has purchased it. He’s made all kinds of crazy changes that has turned the site into a total shitstorm. One of them is that he has installed a For You page that now becomes the default page when you log on to Twitter (which is an interface that has been blatantly copied from TikTok). Many of the tweets popping up are from accounts that I don’t even follow and whom I would have never followed in the first place had I somehow stumbled upon those accounts.

One of them is a 22-year-old guy from California named Jackson Hinkle. He’s this guy who’s dedicated himself to being a full-time provocative commenter. He’s obviously so desperate to become famous that he’ll post anything for attention and he doesn’t care if he gets tons of hostile responses because, to him, hostile responses are better than no attention at all.

He constantly goes into my For You page a lot. It’s obvious that he doesn’t have much of a life outside of X/Twitter. I don’t even think he has been to college or trade school. He constantly begs for people to support him on Patreon and other fundraising ways.

What’s really wild is that in 2019 as an 18 year old (an age when most young adults are busy preparing to graduate from high school, making decisions on whether to go to college or trade school or even sign up to serve in the military) he ran for San Clemente City Council as a progressive Democrat and lost. The following year he worked with Bernie Sanders campaign during the primaries but Joe Biden ended up winning the Democratic nomination and, ultimately, the presidency.

So he wasn’t successful as a progressive activist so what does he do? He decides to completely change his politics where he now openly supports Donald Trump’s Make America Great Again wing of the Republican Party and he also has portrayed himself as a fanboy of Russian leader Vladimir Putin.

You can read more about his background and his political conversion at the following links:

Vatnik Soup: Jackson Hinkle

Who the f_ck is Jackson Hinkle?

When Russia began its invasion of Ukraine last year, Jackson Hinkle became Russia’s biggest American cheerleader for Ukraine to be completely conquered and absorbed into Russia. Here’s a sample recent tweet showing how much Hinkle loves Russia and Putin.

He has gotten so enthusiastic about his newfound fascination with Russia that he has become romantically linked with the 2022 Miss Russia, Anna Linnikova. She’s the same Miss Russia who complained about how most of her competitors at this year’s Miss Universe pageant had snubbed and shunned her because she represents a country that has invaded Ukraine.

Meanwhile he has also gotten so enthusiastic about his political conversion that both PayPal and Venmo have decided to cut ties with him. Of course he’s whining about it while begging for people to fork over money for his exclusive X/Twitter Subscription service.

Basically Jackson Hinkle is learning the hard way that being a glorified propagandist for Russia based in the United States is not exactly a well-paying career opportunity. I thought it was so funny that I took a few screenshots and made a slideshow video about it that I uploaded on to TikTok, Clapper, Instagram, and YouTube.

A few days later Jackson Hinkle was tweeting about how it’s unfair that YouTube had decided to demonetized his channel because they were not thrilled with the idea of paying someone ad revenue for making propaganda videos on behalf of Russia. At the same time a few people associated with NAFO had learned something interesting about his supposed girlfriend Anna Linnikova. They found webpages suggesting that she works for an escort service in Dubai.

While I’m not 100% sure if Miss Russia is really an escort, it seems typical that the only way that someone who acts like he’s a Putin fanboy can get a girlfriend is by paying for her services so I wouldn’t be surprised if this is true.

I found the YouTube demonetization and the possibility that his Miss Russia girlfriend might be an escort to be so funny that I made a sequel to the previous video that I uploaded on TikTok, Clapper, Instagram, and YouTube. Enjoy!

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