You are currently browsing the tag archive for the ‘craftsman’ tag.


Why most people will remain in mediocrity.

Undoing the New Deal: Bill Clinton rolled back the New Deal and Barack Obama blew an FDR moment.

Is revolution brewing in the US?

The $1.80 Instagram strategy to build your business or brand.

Yes, America, there is a class war and you just lost it.

How the baby boomers—not millennials—screwed America.

Elon Musk doesn’t really like the mass transit system he’s trying to build.

Struggling with your career? Here’s how to maximize the happiness in your life.

China will collect the DNA of every adult in Xinjiang province, where Uyghur people are systematically oppressed.

The post office can offer financial services that private banks won’t. In fact, it’s been done before.

It’s time to make life hard for the rich.

A video featuring a master craftsman working on a Japanese teapot from the beginning until the startling end.

Wyoming is a poor state that exports talent. Will that ever change?

Sex slavery, ISIS, and the illegal arms trade: Libya plunges into failed state after US invasion.

Confederacy of Dunces: Neoliberals jump the shark in The New York Times.

This person photographed women in 60 countries in order change the way that we all see beauty.

The Trumpdroid at Disney’s Hall of Presidents looks an awful lot like a hastily modded Hillarybot.

The truth behind “The Macarena” will leave your jaw on the floor.

Behold this one of a kind Krampus nativity set.

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