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For today’s Inktober drawing I decided to use today’s prompt word that’s on a prompt list that was created by the Instagram user pivoineink. Today’s word is “Valkyrie.” I immediately thought about the superhero character in the Marvel comics, who is based on the Valkyries of Norse mythology. Back when I used to read the latest comic books on a regular basis I would see her make appearances in various issues. I remember her as being named Brunhilde and she was depicted as a white goddess with long blonde hair that was parted into braids.

I recently did a Google search on the comic book character and discovered that Valkyrie has appeared in the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies and she is played by an African American actress named Tessa Thompson.

I’ll admit that I haven’t watched too many movies in recent years due to tight finances stemming from my divorce along with periods of unemployment and underemployment. During the last few years I’ve only seen two MCU movies: The Black Panther and the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie. I know that it’s pathetic but that’s the way it is when you’re cash-poor.

I wasn’t sure which version of Valkyrie to draw until I realized something. Since Norse mythology have traditionally portrayed the Valkyries as a group of goddesses, I thought it would be okay to draw both versions.

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