Don’t lose hope. Be a fanatical optimist instead.

Twenty of the most frightening twins in true crime history.

White gay men are destroying black lives with “party ’n’ play” sex and meth addiction.

Closest living relative to the dodo bird dazzles with vibrant iridescent plumage.

A look at the 1911 “social photography” of Lewis Hine that ended child labor in the United States.

A 1990 discovery of a cave in France suggested that Neanderthals were more sophisticated than anyone had given them credit for.

A look at photographs taken in New York City in the 1970s.

Redace, like blackface, is a sin of white supremacy.

Colonialism’s cages: When indigenous people were placed in human zoos.

Eighteen reasons why Commodus was known as Rome’s depraved emperor.

A curious octopus investigates an acoustic guitar.