I’ve seen that movie a few times but it’s been years since I last saw it. When the Greenbelt Theater decided to have a special one-night showing of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, I decided to go for it for old time’s sake. I had a good time. I met up with a few friends and I also took a few photos of this event.

They gave away this free sticker before the movie began. It said “I Myself Am Strange and Unusual.”

The Rocky Horror Picture Show

Unlike other showings I’ve been to, The Greenbelt Cinema didn’t permit bringing any kind of props from home. Instead there was a table that sold $5 prop bags that had all kinds of goodies that we could use during the screening.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show

There were all kinds of goodies in that bag.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show

I couldn’t figure out what this playing card was for. I don’t recall any scenes where the characters played cards.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show

There was one rubber glove. I couldn’t figure that one out either.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show

There was a newspaper. At least I knew that it was for putting on our heads during the song “There’s a Light (Over at the Frankenstein Place).”

The Rocky Horror Picture Show

There was this noisemaker. I probably used that prop the most, especially during some of the movie’s more raucous musical numbers (such as “Sweet Transvestite” and “Hot Patootie, Bless My Soul”). I used it so much that I ended up breaking it in two by the end of the movie.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show

There was a roll of toilet paper included that was to be hurled during the scene when Dr. Scott arrived but I ended up not using it. Instead I placed it in the bathroom in my home and I used it to wipe myself after using the toilet.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show

I took a few photos of the movie screen before the movie started.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
The Rocky Horror Picture Show

Finally the movie started. I noticed the 20th Century Fox logo, which was the movie studio that originally released The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Disney purchased 20th Century Fox a few years ago so now the company have the rights to a diverse group of characters like Mickey Mouse, Snow White, and Frank N. Furter. (LOL!)

The Rocky Horror Picture Show

Here’s a photo of those iconic singing red lips at the beginning of the movie.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show

And, finally, here is one of the movie scenes where people in the audience were reenacting what was happening on the screen.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show