You are currently browsing the tag archive for the ‘Malala Yousafzai’ tag.

Their ancestors were on opposite sides of a lynching. Now they are friends.

Why is the West praising Malala but ignoring Ahed?

A look at how Barack Obama chose Wall Street over Main Street.

Dolls’ heads were used to lobby pothole repairs in the British town of Swindon.

The next financial crisis will be worse than the last one.

Millions of poor rural voters now hate Trump and millions of rich voters still support him, but the press only profiles poor people who remain Trumpists.

The last slave ship survivor gave an interview to anthropologist Zora Neal Hurston in the 1930s.

How the GOP tax cut will also shrink your paycheck.

Survey of top U.S. evangelical churches reveals three explosive insights.

An interview with 98-year-old Ben Ferencz, the last surviving prosecutor from the Nuremberg trials.

How poverty changes the brain.

Hedge funds killed the newspaper industry, not the web.

The black Baltimore arabber tradition is on its last leg. For the city’s sake, it should continue.

Trump voters, he’s taking you for suckers.

The right is waging war on academic freedom.

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